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A juvenile record may be sealed if the court finds that:
A juvenile record cannot be sealed for those:
Once the court seals a juvenile record, it is considered nonexistent with regard to public information and inspection, but it is still available to the judge and probation department for use in any future juvenile or adult sentencing hearing regarding the person who is the subject of the record. In addition, a district attorney, local law enforcement, and the Department of Human Services may view basic identifying information contained in a sealed record; this information is not open to inspection by the public or an agency of the military. The sealed record can only be viewed upon a finding of good cause at a court hearing.
Courts are required at the time of adjudication to advise defendants of the right to seal their juvenile record. A court may also initiate proceedings to seal the record. A petition must originate in the court that houses the record under consideration. The court sets a hearing date and notifies the prosecuting attorney and any other persons who might have relevant information related to sealing the record. After the hearing, the court may order the records sealed.
A person can petition the court to seal a juvenile record only once per year, and then only:
The Defendant may petition the County Court to seal his/her conviction for illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person.
The Defendant may only petition the Court to seal the conviction if he/she meets both requirements listed below:
The Court, law enforcement and criminal justice agencies will always have access to the file. The files are not destroyed. However, as provided under the statute, if inquiries are made by anyone other than a criminal justice agency, all agencies must respond that “no such record exists with respect to such person”.
For additional information, please review Colorado Revised Statute §18-13-122.